EverEffect Can Help Technology Firms
If you’re a small to mid-sized technology company and you’re ready to:
- Ditch automated paid search for a truly tailored solution
- Create a totally new online presence that converts the way you want it to
- Generate new revenue streams
- Keep your marketing fresh without giving up results
Your company will benefit from a partnership with EverEffect. In the highly competitive space you work in, we understand that a search engine company first-to-market with a really good idea can end up marginalized or forced into merger, all because you didn’t have a good strategy in place and didn’t make a commitment to your online presence. Agile marketing is one thing, yet in the digital world, changing direction frequently for the sake of change will cost you precious time needed to measure results. The updates you make to your marketing plan will have an immediate and likely negative effect on your bottom line as well. We help you make those marketing upgrades when you can absorb them best.

The Power of “IF”
IF you’re struggling with how to explain all the nuances of your business, EverEffect has developed a proven content strategy that generates a robust amount of diversified content with minimum time requirements for your leadership team. It could work for you.
IF your company tagline isn’t working in the digital world, we’ll work with you to create marketing content that’s relevant to the audience you want to reach. Who needs a “free demo” -and a call from a sales person- when all your audience really wants is to test-drive your product with a “free trial”? (We know from testing that “free trial” has about a 50% higher conversion rate than “free demo”).
As a Google Partner we are specially certified in creating and managing Google Ads shopping campaigns, merchant center accounts and product data feeds as well as search, display, mobile and video advertising. We drill down to the keyword level, always looking for opportunities to either save you or make you more money, using detailed reporting other agencies don’t have access to.
EverEffect is a Google Partner and has exclusive access to Google expertise – a distinction given to less than 5% of all Google Partners worldwide. Our status is based upon successful client retention and our performance vs. our agency peers. Now, we can help our clients and potential customers learn the latest industry trends and how to best leverage them through exclusive webinars with our Google experts.

IF you want to market a new product, like an app, we can help you generate a new revenue stream with innovative campaigns for Google Play and iTunes that also track the number of downloads and measure the result.
IF you’re a global company working internationally, we’ve worked with big-name tech companies that move as much as 40% of the world’s Internet traffic on a daily basis to an international publisher of audio Bibles. We’ve done campaigns in every continent with the exception of Antarctica. We understand the importance of creating content that speaks specifically to an audience from the perspective of where they live – not only the country, but the region, the language, the dialects and -mostly important- the culture.