Successful Web Design for Personal Injury Lawyers

Can doing “a solid” for a former colleague turn into a rich and satisfying business partnership? You bet it can.

Earlier this year, EverEffect introduced website design as one of our core digital services. EverEffect develops websites that put your best digital footprint forward, making the right impression to achieve your greatest return on investment.

All of this comes to life brilliantly with our latest web design project for Kentucky-based attorneys Rhoads & Rhoads.

Leap of Faith

Little does our strategic pro Chris Bross know, when he phones an old pal at a new job, that he would inspire a fantastic group of lawyers to take a leap of faith.

At first, Allen’s proactive call alerts his friend that the Rhoads & Rhoads website may have been hacked. Allen reaches out immediately after he spots this message in Google. “This is a big concern to anyone who may want to visit the website, of course. Most likely, they’re not going to click on it,” Allen says. “During the call though, I could tell from my old colleague’s questions that his firm never really invested in the web or considered any type of professional digital solutions.”

Allen talks with Rhoads & Rhoads regularly for about four months before they sit down for a serious discussion. He says, “I think what really made them feel comfortable was the decade I spent working inside a large personal injury law firm. We didn’t just talk about the web. We discussed some of the finer details about the business of running a law firm, which immediately broke down some walls. It helped them open up to the idea of digital marketing.”
The more Allen gets to know them, the more he realizes Rhoads & Rhoads is a different type of law firm:

  • They really believe in doing good for people.
  • They provide services that other attorneys don’t, such as personal, faith-based and family counseling.
  • They offer free services to those in need.
  • They give back to the community.
  • They’re inspired by their faith.
  • They love the work they do.
  • They want to preserve what being a lawyer is all about for them.

“I’ve met hundreds of attorneys and visited countless law firms across the country. I can’t be more sincere when I say that the Rhoads & Rhoads story is a special one.”

100416_evereffect_rr-home-pageNew Venture Sealed with Trust

With their new venture into digital marketing strategy, the lawyers are first concerned with creating an authentic portrayal of their firm that’s genuine and sincere, rather than big-time or flashy. They are equally concerned with who EverEffect is, rather than credentials or proof of performance. “What is refreshing about working with Rhoads & Rhoads is, they’ve said to us, ‘You are the experts. You know what you need to do. Do it for us,’” Allen says. “They put their full trust in us, and that is wonderful.”

Their generous blessing really energizes our team to create the most genuine, sincere digital solution we could possibly deliver. We use custom web design; original photography and visuals; personal testimony and client recommendations; 16 fully produced videos and counting; targeted social; thoughtfully written content and a weekly blog (a first for the firm) to convey the feeling, emotion -and difference- of the Rhoads & Rhoads story. Ongoing custom work such as this, along with a web analytics strategy informing every decision we implement, will take your website over the top in terms of making that all-important first impression on visitors. What’s more, our 100% transparent reporting always gives you the whole story.

100416_evereffect_rr-mobile-3Launch Day Delivers a Case

The new launched in June, about three months after EverEffect gets the go-ahead. That same day, Rhoads & Rhoads gets their first case generated from the web. The entire team was so excited! Rhoads & Rhoads is so impressed with their beautiful website and so pleased that EverEffect accomplishes everything we told them we would on their behalf.

“When Rhoads & Rhoads gave us the key to their kingdom, put all their faith in us,” Chris says, “not only were they rewarded with digital karma by getting their first case ever from a website – on the day it launched – they rewarded us with a partnership that we hope will last for years to come. They’re amazing attorneys and we’re honored to call them clients.”

Get To Know EverEffect

EverEffect is an Indianapolis-based digital marketing agency and has been involved in the interactive since the days when computers were called … calculators. Along the way, we’ve launched new businesses, participated in the pioneering days of interactive gaming, created Top-20 rated cable TV shows, earned acclaim in the earliest days of permission-based email marketing, and were among the first to leverage streaming video online for advertising, marketing, and promotional purposes. We’ve also created, managed, or produced hundreds of projects for Fortune 500 Companies, and not-so-Fortune 500 companies as well.

If you’re interested in what it’s like to be an EverEffect client, give our posts a read. Or give us a call at 888-506-2183 for a face-to-face.

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